Browse Models

SG_161222 /

Realistic Vision XL

SDXL fine-tune optimizing for generating photorealistic people, animals, and landscapes.

Information Links
Research how the model was created and how it should be utilized.
Compatible Open Source Apps
Community-built web applications to run the model.
Stable Diffusion Web UI

Automatic1111 /

Stable Diffusion Web UI

Automatic1111's legendary web UI for Stable Diffusion, the most comprehensive and full-featured AI image generation application in existence.

Image Generation
Video Generation

lllyasviel /


Simple, intuitive, and powerful image generation. Easily inpaint, outpaint, and upscale. Influence the generation using image prompts.

Image Generation
Beginner Friendly
Comfy UI

comfyanonymous /

Comfy UI

Generate images and videos using a powerful low-level workflow graph builder - the fastest, most flexible, and most advanced visual generation UI.

Image Generation
Video Generation
Stable Diffusion Web UI Forge

lllyasviel /

Stable Diffusion Web UI Forge

Forge is a platform built on top of Stable Diffusion WebUI to make development easier, optimize resource management, speed up inference, and study experimental features.

Image Generation
Video Generation